Meg Allen Ireland Tour 2014
Photos of Ireland
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- Our ride into Ireland.
- Our bus.
- Harvey's Point Hotel.
- Hallway to our room.
- Hallway to our room.
- Our room.
- Bath.
- Expansive!
- Whirlpool anyone?
- Reading area of our room.

- Sleave League cliffs.
- Hill above Sleave League cliffs.
- Valley in County Donegal.
- Lois: A light rain jacket for the constant mist of light rain.
- Thatched roof near Donegal.
- Thatched roof detail.
- Triona Designs, wool woven into cloth.
- Donegal Castle.
- Detailed castle furnishings.
- Donegal Castle.
- Donegal Castle.
- Old sedimentary rock layers.
- Harvey's Point surroundings.
- A local Democrat.

- Random castle seen from the road.
- Lois and Joanne tie a tissue on the tree to wish Bob Cox good health.
- Rugged glacially-formed mountains.
- The Allen's cousin's house.
- The Allen's cousin's wife.
- Knock-Na-Shee (Hill of the Fairies), across the street from the Allen house.
- Spanish Gate in Galway town.
- Fishermem's houses in Galway town.
- Another random castle.
- Castle detail.
- Matt.

- Cliffs of Moher. 800 feet to the water.
- Cliffs of Moher.
- Cliffs of Moher.
- The whole crowd in front of The South Pole Inn.

- Stonehouse Restaurant.
- An unruly crowd gathers in front of the Stonehouse Restaurant.
- The omnipresent sheep.
- A sleepy Irish afternoon, especially the little guy on the right.
- The ever present rock walls and green grass.
- Beehive Huts on Dingle Peninsula.
- Gary in front of a Beehive Hut. Short doorway!
- This lady is the owner of the property the Beehive Huts are on.
- A local home.
- Rugged terrain.
- Oratory.
- Lois looking into Oratory.
- Megan and Joe emerging from the darkness of the Oratory.
- Rugged terrain.

- Ross Castle.
- Rick explaining the layers of castle defense in Ross Castle
- Ross Castle.
- Local wildlife.
- Old Head golf course.
- Old Head golf course.
- Water trap is just off the left side of the green and several hundred feet down.

- The Kinsale 9/11 Garden of Remembrance.
- The Kinsale 9/11 Garden of Remembrance.
- The tree for Fire Fighter Vincent Morello.
- A wrist band for Vincent Morello unexpectantly found on the memorial stone.
- The Kinsale 9/11 Garden of Remembrance.
- The tree for Lt. Robert Regan.
- A cutting taken from the Robert Regan tree.
- Keith 'Keit' and Joe.
- The town of Kinsale.
- Charles Fort at the inlet before Kinsale.
- Charles Fort.
- The town of Kinsale as seen from Charles Fort.
- The Allen family members (Megan, Joanne, Bill, and Matt) gather around the grave of Maurice Allen, their 5-great grandfather.

- Kahir Castle.
- Kahir Castle.
- Kahir Castle, sliding vertical gate.
- Kahir Castle, sliding vertical gate.
- Detail of vertical gate winch.
- Kahir Castle, upper room. Deer antlers are 8-to-9 feet wide.
- Castle spiral steps.
- Rick explaining the castle interworkings.
- Phyllis at the castle door.
- The archer's area behind the door.
- Cahir Castle.
- Book of Kells at Trinity College Library, Dublin.
- The Temple Bar, Dublin.
- Papa John's Pizza in the Temple Bar area of Dublin.
- The Meg Allen Poke 'n Go Tour.
- Keith 'Keit' Williams says goodbye.
- Time to go home.